About Me

Just a guy fighting evil wherever I find it. I'm glad you are here to read about my adventures escaping and ultimately defeating the evil Nonhof. First time readers should start at the beginning to get a true sense of the history behind our epic battle of good vs evil. I also caution you to be careful of how you submit comments. As the saying goes; an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Who knows if Nonhof is aware of this blog or not - I fear the worst.

Nonhof, perhaps you should think of that sword and its location:)

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Day 2

Freedom. What is freedom? I am free, but free to do what? I am locked in a safe house waiting for the smoke to clear. I must admit that I enjoyed a fine cigar and glass of rum last night (courtesy of Fidel) but I am bored and anxious to get on the road.

Where do I go to be free of Nonhof? Its hard without papers. Illegals flood across our borders by the thousands but I wonder if I can head the other way? North as I said before is out of the question .... maybe Quebec? I know so little about that evil man. Does his influence extend to just the English part of Canada? I'm guessing maybe Quebec might be safe. I like this; he won't know if I've headed south or north - south is safer, north is easier. He'll never figure out where I am.

Something to think about before I sign off: how did Nonhof and his cohorts get so powerful? When Sputnik was launched the United States made a real effort to raise the education of our young people in the math and sciences (a noble effort to say the least) and here we are 40 some years later and 2 years of math are required for graduation and 4 of English (I think its wrong to capitalize such a word). How did this happen? How did Nonhof and his cronies garner such influence?

Everyone knows that studying a language that you are fluent in is a waste of time while the study of mathematics is pure joy. This atrocity has to be put to an end.

Keep the faith

p.s. A sincere thanks to those members of the CGBURM that helped facilitate my escape from Nonhof. Also a sincere thanks to Tipple, T-staub, Muskett and Urness for inspiring me.

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